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idstringID of this ad. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
namestringName of this ad. This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long.
geoTargetingobjectGeographical Targeting.
idDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
defaultClickThroughEventTagPropertiesobjectProperties of inheriting and overriding the default click-through event tag. A campaign may override the event tag defined at the advertiser level, and an ad may also override the campaign's setting further.
advertiserIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
placementAssignmentsarrayPlacement assignments for this ad.
clickThroughUrlSuffixPropertiesobjectClick Through URL Suffix settings.
advertiserIdstringAdvertiser ID of this ad. This is a required field on insertion.
commentsstringComments for this ad.
creativeRotationobjectCreative Rotation.
creativeGroupAssignmentsarrayCreative group assignments for this ad. Applicable when type is AD_SERVING_CLICK_TRACKER. Only one assignment per creative group number is allowed for a maximum of two assignments.
activebooleanWhether this ad is active. When true, archived must be false.
campaignIdstringCampaign ID of this ad. This is a required field on insertion.
campaignIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
remarketingListExpressionobjectRemarketing List Targeting Expression.
kindstringIdentifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#ad".
subaccountIdstringSubaccount ID of this ad. This is a read-only field that can be left blank.
compatibilitystringCompatibility of this ad. Applicable when type is AD_SERVING_DEFAULT_AD. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to either rendering on desktop or on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads, respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are only used for existing default ads. New mobile placements must be assigned DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL and default ads created for those placements will be limited to those compatibility types. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard.
sizeobjectRepresents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets.
targetingTemplateIdstringTargeting template ID, used to apply preconfigured targeting information to this ad. This cannot be set while any of dayPartTargeting, geoTargeting, keyValueTargetingExpression, languageTargeting, remarketingListExpression, or technologyTargeting are set. Applicable when type is AD_SERVING_STANDARD_AD.
clickThroughUrlobjectClick-through URL
createInfoobjectModification timestamp.
sslRequiredbooleanWhether this ad requires ssl. This is a read-only field that is auto-generated when the ad is inserted or updated.
dayPartTargetingobjectDay Part Targeting.
audienceSegmentIdstringAudience segment ID that is being targeted for this ad. Applicable when type is AD_SERVING_STANDARD_AD.
sslCompliantbooleanWhether this ad is ssl compliant. This is a read-only field that is auto-generated when the ad is inserted or updated.
lastModifiedInfoobjectModification timestamp.
typestringType of ad. This is a required field on insertion. Note that default ads ( AD_SERVING_DEFAULT_AD) cannot be created directly (see Creative resource).
accountIdstringAccount ID of this ad. This is a read-only field that can be left blank.
technologyTargetingobjectTechnology Targeting.
deliveryScheduleobjectDelivery Schedule.
archivedbooleanWhether this ad is archived. When true, active must be false.
dynamicClickTrackerbooleanWhether this ad is a dynamic click tracker. Applicable when type is AD_SERVING_CLICK_TRACKER. This is a required field on insert, and is read-only after insert.
eventTagOverridesarrayEvent tag overrides for this ad.
languageTargetingobjectLanguage Targeting.
keyValueTargetingExpressionobjectKey Value Targeting Expression.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTid, profileIdGets one ad by ID.
listSELECTprofileIdRetrieves a list of ads, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.
insertINSERTprofileIdInserts a new ad.
patchEXECid, profileIdUpdates an existing ad. This method supports patch semantics.
updateEXECprofileIdUpdates an existing ad.