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idstringThe unique ID identifying this report resource.
namestringThe name of the report.
fileNamestringThe filename used when generating report files for this report.
floodlightCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "FLOODLIGHT".
typestringThe type of the report.
pathCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "PATH".
formatstringThe output format of the report. If not specified, default format is "CSV". Note that the actual format in the completed report file might differ if for instance the report's size exceeds the format's capabilities. "CSV" will then be the fallback format.
subAccountIdstringThe subaccount ID to which this report belongs if applicable.
deliveryobjectThe report's email delivery settings.
kindstringThe kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#report.
lastModifiedTimestringThe timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) of when this report was last modified.
criteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "STANDARD".
pathAttributionCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "PATH_ATTRIBUTION".
reachCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "REACH".
etagstringThe eTag of this response for caching purposes.
accountIdstringThe account ID to which this report belongs.
pathToConversionCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".
crossDimensionReachCriteriaobjectThe report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".
scheduleobjectThe report's schedule. Can only be set if the report's 'dateRange' is a relative date range and the relative date range is not "TODAY".
ownerProfileIdstringThe user profile id of the owner of this report.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTprofileId, reportIdRetrieves a report by its ID.
listSELECTprofileIdRetrieves list of reports.
insertINSERTprofileIdCreates a report.
deleteDELETEprofileId, reportIdDeletes a report by its ID.
patchEXECprofileId, reportIdUpdates an existing report. This method supports patch semantics.
runEXECprofileId, reportIdRuns a report.
updateEXECprofileId, reportIdUpdates a report.