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idstringTargetable remarketing list ID.
namestringName of the targetable remarketing list. Is no greater than 128 characters long.
descriptionstringTargetable remarketing list description.
listSourcestringProduct from which this targetable remarketing list was originated.
activebooleanWhether this targetable remarketing list is active.
kindstringIdentifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#targetableRemarketingList".
subaccountIdstringSubaccount ID of this remarketing list. This is a read-only, auto-generated field that is only returned in GET requests.
lifeSpanstringNumber of days that a user should remain in the targetable remarketing list without an impression.
listSizestringNumber of users currently in the list. This is a read-only field.
accountIdstringAccount ID of this remarketing list. This is a read-only, auto-generated field that is only returned in GET requests.
advertiserIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
advertiserIdstringDimension value for the advertiser ID that owns this targetable remarketing list.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
targetableRemarketingLists_getSELECTid, profileIdGets one remarketing list by ID.
targetableRemarketingLists_listSELECTadvertiserId, profileIdRetrieves a list of targetable remarketing lists, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.