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idstringID of this floodlight activity. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
namestringName of this floodlight activity. This is a required field. Must be less than 129 characters long and cannot contain quotes.
kindstringIdentifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#floodlightActivity".
notesstringGeneral notes or implementation instructions for the tag.
attributionEnabledbooleanWhether the activity is enabled for attribution.
floodlightActivityGroupTypestringType of the associated floodlight activity group. This is a read-only field.
floodlightActivityGroupNamestringName of the associated floodlight activity group. This is a read-only field.
cacheBustingTypestringCode type used for cache busting in the generated tag. Applicable only when floodlightActivityGroupType is COUNTER and countingMethod is STANDARD_COUNTING or UNIQUE_COUNTING.
statusstringThe status of the activity. This can only be set to ACTIVE or ARCHIVED_AND_DISABLED. The ARCHIVED status is no longer supported and cannot be set for Floodlight activities. The DISABLED_POLICY status indicates that a Floodlight activity is violating Google policy. Contact your account manager for more information.
floodlightActivityGroupTagStringstringTag string of the associated floodlight activity group. This is a read-only field.
sslRequiredbooleanWhether this floodlight activity must be SSL-compliant.
countingMethodstringCounting method for conversions for this floodlight activity. This is a required field.
tagStringstringValue of the cat= parameter in the floodlight tag, which the ad servers use to identify the activity. This is optional: if empty, a new tag string will be generated for you. This string must be 1 to 8 characters long, with valid characters being a-z0-9[ _ ]. This tag string must also be unique among activities of the same activity group. This field is read-only after insertion.
advertiserIdstringAdvertiser ID of this floodlight activity. If this field is left blank, the value will be copied over either from the activity group's advertiser or the existing activity's advertiser.
publisherTagsarrayPublisher dynamic floodlight tags.
advertiserIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
floodlightConfigurationIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
expectedUrlstringURL where this tag will be deployed. If specified, must be less than 256 characters long.
accountIdstringAccount ID of this floodlight activity. This is a read-only field that can be left blank.
idDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
subaccountIdstringSubaccount ID of this floodlight activity. This is a read-only field that can be left blank.
defaultTagsarrayDynamic floodlight tags.
floodlightConfigurationIdstringFloodlight configuration ID of this floodlight activity. If this field is left blank, the value will be copied over either from the activity group's floodlight configuration or from the existing activity's floodlight configuration.
floodlightActivityGroupIdstringFloodlight activity group ID of this floodlight activity. This is a required field.
securebooleanWhether this tag should use SSL.
tagFormatstringTag format type for the floodlight activity. If left blank, the tag format will default to HTML.
sslCompliantbooleanWhether the floodlight activity is SSL-compliant. This is a read-only field, its value detected by the system from the floodlight tags.
userDefinedVariableTypesarrayList of the user-defined variables used by this conversion tag. These map to the "u[1-100]=" in the tags. Each of these can have a user defined type. Acceptable values are U1 to U100, inclusive.
floodlightTagTypestringThe type of Floodlight tag this activity will generate. This is a required field.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
floodlightActivities_getSELECTid, profileIdGets one floodlight activity by ID.
floodlightActivities_listSELECTprofileIdRetrieves a list of floodlight activities, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.
floodlightActivities_deleteDELETEid, profileIdDeletes an existing floodlight activity.
floodlightActivities_generatetagEXECprofileIdGenerates a tag for a floodlight activity.
floodlightActivities_insertEXECprofileIdInserts a new floodlight activity.
floodlightActivities_patchEXECid, profileIdUpdates an existing floodlight activity. This method supports patch semantics.
floodlightActivities_updateEXECprofileIdUpdates an existing floodlight activity.