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idstringID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
namestringName of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than or equal to 512 characters long.
keyNamestringKey name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
statusstringThird-party placement status.
siteIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
vpaidAdapterChoicestringVPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. Note: Flash is no longer supported. This field now defaults to HTML5 when the following values are provided: FLASH, BOTH.
campaignIdstringCampaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion.
activeStatusstringWhether this placement is active, inactive, archived or permanently archived.
subaccountIdstringSubaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank.
pricingScheduleobjectPricing Schedule
placementStrategyIdstringID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement.
sizeobjectRepresents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets.
lastModifiedInfoobjectModification timestamp.
accountIdstringAccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank.
additionalSizesarrayAdditional sizes associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used.
advertiserIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
advertiserIdstringAdvertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank.
partnerWrappingDataobjectPlacement tag wrapping
contentCategoryIdstringID of the content category assigned to this placement.
adBlockingOptOutbooleanWhether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect.
paymentApprovedbooleanWhether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements.
lookbackConfigurationobjectLookback configuration settings.
videoSettingsobjectVideo Settings
campaignIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
publisherUpdateInfoobjectModification timestamp.
externalIdstringExternal ID for this placement.
compatibilitystringPlacement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion.
siteIdstringSite ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion.
wrappingOptOutbooleanWhether this placement opts out of tag wrapping.
kindstringIdentifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement".
paymentSourcestringPayment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion.
commentstringComments for this placement.
videoActiveViewOptOutbooleanWhether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView.
sslRequiredbooleanWhether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant.
directorySiteIdstringDirectory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion.
idDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
placementGroupIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
primarybooleanWhether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement.
directorySiteIdDimensionValueobjectRepresents a DimensionValue resource.
tagSettingobjectTag Settings
createInfoobjectModification timestamp.
placementGroupIdstringID of this placement's group, if applicable.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTid, profileIdGets one placement by ID.
listSELECTprofileIdRetrieves a list of placements, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.
insertINSERTprofileIdInserts a new placement.
generatetagsEXECprofileIdGenerates tags for a placement.
patchEXECid, profileIdUpdates an existing placement. This method supports patch semantics.
updateEXECprofileIdUpdates an existing placement.